Contact us

Please use the contact form below. If you have previously been in touch with us regarding an ongoing case, please reply to the last email you received from us. Cases will be assessed in chronological order.
  • We can only provide advice and assistance in cross-border consumer complaints, from consumers residing in Norway.
  • If you live in another EU/EEA country, then please contact your local ECC office.
  • For queries related to goods/services purchased from a trader outside of the EU/EEA, we can only offer advice.
  • If you have a complaint against a specific trader, it is a prerequisite for our case handing that you have complained to the trader in writing.

    Your information

    Information about the trader

    Your query

    I hereby confirm that I have read the privacy statement and that I consent to ECC Norway using and saving the information I have provided as specified in the privacy statement.


    Call us on
    99 099 138

    Phones are open 10.00 – 14.00, Monday – Thursday.

    For press queries, please email us at Post Forbruker Europa,
    Postal address: Postboks 2862 Kjørbekk, 3702 Skien